The cinema experience – Bangkok

As I am half a cinefile, I visit local cinemas when I travel.

I’ve visited Bangkok recently, and was amazed by one of the cinemas I went to. It is called Paragon Cineplex, located on the top floor of a shopping mall. I didn’t expect much at the beginning because it’s not uncommon to see a cinema on the top of a mall in Singapore. It’s actually not common to not see a cinema at the top floor of a grand shopping mall in Singapore. 😛 I happened to pass by the mall and happened to have a pretty free evening, and the cinema happened to be showing Anonymous, which is stared with one of my favourite actors (I must resist about talking too much about the film, this is about the cinema).

So it was spontaneous, I went upstairs and the grand cinema lobby showed up. Next to the lift there were two halls with a pair of nude statues at the entrances. It was strangely classy, not in a tacky way. They remind me of the party scene in Eyes Wide Shut. In the middle of the hall, there’s a big open space with a row of round sofas, and above the sofas, there’s a chandelier, it looks like a fancy hotel lobby rather than a cinema(there’s even a SPA there!). Seems most of the halls there are 4DX or IMAX, so all films will be shown on big screens. There’s a ScreenX hall there too. It’s the first time I’ve seen a cinema with ScreenX projection system. I’m quite excited about it, and definitely going back there and watch a ScreenX film there.

The hall was pretty empty fortunately, unfortunately. There are different types of seats one can choose in the cinema hall including single and double sofa seats. It was comfortable and in general a very good cinema experience there, probably one of the most comfortable cinemas with a reasonably cheap price I’ve ever been.

And Coke, of course

There’s a few other rather interesting cinema experiences I want to write about, in Glasgow, in Kathmandu and in Pune. For another time, to be continued…


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